
Some pages may contain extreme graphics. Viewer Discretion is advised.

Biyernes, Marso 18, 2011

ABORTION # 1(Warning! Extremely Graphic)

Before i decided to write my first article about abortion, I prayed so hard. My fingers are shivering as i type these words. Tear drops were falling and my heart is ailing. Have you done abortion? Have you considered abortion? Have you seen your child after abortion? The following pictures came from Grand Jury Report released by Philadelphia District Attorney R. Seth Williams and posted on the Operation Rescue website.

Warning: Extremely graphic and disturbing. If you cannot withstand this please leave.

This March we celebrate Women's Month, may our women be compassionate enough not to allow these things be done unto them. Abortion is not Women's Right!

Miyerkules, Marso 16, 2011

VASECTOMY: Your God Given Gift-Snipped!

A vasectomy to most men is a no-no. Specially after a man has given life to several children and is comfortable with his family size. He figures he’s being a good dad to the children he already has, so why not accept this operation as his reproductive finale? With a simple and inexpensive outpatient surgery being advertised on gigantic billboards, broadsheets and on the Internet, it’s easy to be convinced that it’s time to get clipped and move on.
In some parts of the Philippines, several gender-biased organizations/cooperative are preying on unschooled/uneducated men, encouraging them to undergo vasectomy for safe motherhood without presenting other choices for other family planning methods [CMEN, MISMO in cooperation with UNFPA].
In some relationships the desire for the vasectomy reveals the underlying struggle between the male and the female for dominance in the marriage. Sometimes it is the women who make their husband get fixed. She tells him, “I had the pain of having the babies; now you’re going to be the one who gets fixed!” or "No vasectomy, no sex". The men submit, often reluctantly. Her dominance and his submission are a statement of her ultimate control , but not for the real TIGASIN of this world, they are not letting anyone mess with their manhood! They tell their wives, “If you do not want to get pregnant you will have to figure out something for you because I am NEVER getting clipped!”
God gave the man the innate desire to achieve greatness!  Men are motivated by a deep need to imprint themselves and struggle to leave their mark. This is why they build buildings/structures and compete in business, and sports, fight in wars, and long for respect. This is why male animals leave their scent and fight the other male to the death. A male must stake out his territory. This is why getting fixed is detrimental for real men. It is not just a little snip; it is the severing of a gift and it disconnects the man from the emotional power God gave him to achieve true greatness.

Remembering "THE EMERGENCY": India 1970s

There was a time in India when men became the object of a gender biased policy. In 1976, Sanjay Gandhi launched a drive to cleanse the city of slums and force their residents to leave the Capital. Sanjay reportedly ordered officials of the Delhi Development Authority to clear the heavily populated, mostly Muslim slum. This forced resettlement of more than 250,000 people, which killed at least a dozen as recorded and became a touchstone for the opposition.
Sanjay publicly initiated a widespread family planning program to limit population growth. But this resulted in government officials and police officers forcibly performing vasectomies in order to meet quotas. Vasectomy became a condition not just for land allotments, but for irrigation water, electricity, ration cards, rickshaw licenses, medical care, pay raises, and promotions. Everyone, from senior government officials to train conductors to policemen, was given a vasectomy quota. Officially, men with two children or more had to submit to sterilization, but many unmarried young men, political opponents and ignorant, poor men were also been sterilized. Hundreds died from botched sterilizations - according to official statistics. There was no way to count the number who were being hauled away to sterilization camps against their will. This program is still remembered and criticized in India, and is blamed for creating a public aversion to family planning, which hampered Government programmes for decades.
At last, in the largest democratic election in history, the people of India produced one of history's great political upsets. Men became united against this gender biased policies. The prime minister Indira Gandhi was routed in her home district.. The Congress Party was defeated all across northern India. They lost 141 out of 142 seats in the states that had registered the largest increases in male sterilization. In Delhi the crowds stayed up through the night to cheer as the results came in. Something even more powerful, even more implacable, men had finally defeated the ideology of population control: People voting, one by one.

Linggo, Marso 13, 2011

The Controversial RH Bill

The Reproductive Health Bill or RH bill is a divisive issue in our country today. Several feminists and pro-abortion women groups rallied in favor of it. The Catholic and other conservative churches has expressed opposition over it together with Pro-life supporters. Things are really going badly for the proponents of the Reproductive Health (now RP or Responsible Parenthood) Bill  in the Congress. First, President Noynoy did not include it among his list of priority bills. Then, for two days, the congress was not able to convene because the air-conditioning malfunction. Now they were able to have it read on the second reading and Rep. Edcel Lagman was able to make his sponsorship speech but Congresswoman Garing attempted to get Congressman Raul Daza off the floor on the ground that he did not wear the proper attire!It was really a sign of how frantic the proponents of the bill are getting.
For me, the reproductive health bill has indeed many good points. But included in the bill is poison—the provision to include contraceptives, and other modern artificial birth control devices (like the IUD, Ligation, Vasectomy, implants and injectables) to be among essentials to be distributed in government hospitals and health clinics. No question regarding promoting reproductive health of women(& men?), but the bill has many flaws that may lead to the legalization of abortion.
And I quote Rina-Jimenez David of Philippine Daily Inquirer, a supporter of RH bill in her Jan. 4 column, “Saving mothers and babies,” when she said: “...the provision of safe abortion services and the timely and correct response to abortion complications are a legitimate part of reproductive health.”

Let's Take a look at some of the groups who are pushing this RH Bill:
UNFPA-United Nations Fund for Population: "We, UNFPA, are mandated to consider abortion within the context of public health, but never as a right, as some NGOs do...Where it is legal, it should be done under good medical conditions. Some women’s groups approach the issue differently, viewing abortion in the context of a woman’s right to choose. So, though we have many common interests, we deal with them differently"
EnGendeRights was founded to advocate for women's free exercise of their sexuality and their right to reproductive self-determination free of discrimination, coercion and violence including women's access to the full range of contraceptives, emergency contraceptives, and to safe and legal abortion, and equality of lesbians and women bisexuals and transgenders and their freedom from discrimination.  It was founded in December 2003 by its Executive Director Ms. Clara Rita A. Padilla. We received our first funding in August 2004
Center for Reproductive Rights-Melissa Upreti, legal adviser to the New York-based Centre for Reproductive Rights, said the Philippines should amend the penal code to legalize abortion when pregnancy threatens the life of the mother.