As the attacks against the Family are getting worse each minute, hundreds of nameless angels perish in ruthless methods cloaked under Reproductive Health, Family Planning, Healthy Abortion, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Radical Feminism and other coercive methods to stop God's spiritual children from obtaining mortal bodies.
I am just a peaceful, God-fearing person who received great inspirations to combat the ever deteriorating values of my world by exposing things not worthy to be written.
Please forgive me if my photos or posts contains such gore and emotional content and i tell you, i can't hardly cry as i upload those pics myself. Let me tell you what is really meant to be aborted, it is not really about blood and substance. May these graphics wake up the world for the conflict of law and justice. Pregnancy is NOT a disease! Contraceptives are NOT HEALTHY!
Feminist, and Pro-Abortions groups may hate me. But i know i am loved by millions of Nameless Angels who didn't make it to this life.